We, Palestinians, Jews, citizens of Israel, join the Palestinian call for a BDS campaign against Israel, inspired by the struggle of South Africans against apartheid. We also call on others to do the same.
We are devoted to the promotion of just peace and true democracy in this region. We are particularly opposed to Western governments' decision to boycott the Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, most especially in besieged Gaza. This is particularly outrageous given the same Western governments' prolonged support of Israel's apartheid and other daily violations of international law.

01/10/12 / Statement
  1 October 2012 To whom it may concern, We are a group of Israeli citizens, active against our government’s policies of racism, apartheid and occupation. Many of us are veteran activists, and we have witnessed or researched the extent of the devastation left by the Israeli army in the occupied Palestinian territories and in Lebanon. Thousands of civilians, including children, have been killed by Israel in the past decade alone, using hi-tec weapons. Thousands of civilian homes were demolished. Much of this has been carried out by the Israeli air-force.
15/09/12 / Statement
[PDF version here] 14 September, 2012 Dear Paola Maugeri,
16/08/12 / Statement
Dear Deputy Minister Ebrahim,  We are a group of Israelis who, like the majority of people around the world, are horrified by the actions and policies of our government. We support Palestinian civil society's call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against the Israeli government and Israeli institutions.
16/08/12 / Statement
“Let's work together We are one big family Joined forever like the branches of a tree In this world we are neighbors There is no immunity
10/08/12 / Statement
We are a group of Israeli citizens. Many of us have been active for years against our government's policies of racism, occupation and apartheid: We support Israeli soldiers who refuse to participate in oppression, we organize or attend demonstrations which are dispersed brutally by Israel's military forces, we get beaten by the police or by Israeli settlers, and we often get arrested.  Some us have paid a personal price for our commitment to this struggle for Palestinian freedom and justice. 
08/07/12 / Statement
[PDF version here] July 7th, 2012   Dear President Barroso,   We are a group of Israeli citizens who are dismayed by our government's flagrant violations of international law practiced against the Palestinian people. Such violations include an ongoing colonization project in the occupied West Bank, a siege and its economic strangulation of the occupied Gaza Strip, and constitutional discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel.
28/05/12 / Statement
[PDF version here] May 26th, 2012   It has come to our attention that several Israeli NGOs have agreed to participate in Madonna's "peace concert", scheduled for May 31st.   Madonna is planned to perform in Israel, choosing to disregard many calls made by Palestinians, Israelis and internationals asking her to heed the Palestinian call for BDS and refrain from performing here.
22/05/12 / Statement
 We are citizens of Israel who support the Palestinian civil society call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel's policies of colonialism, occupation and apartheid towards the Palestinian people. We have recently learned of your planned concert at the Israel Festival in Jerusalem, and therefore write in order to urge you not to come. Please hear us out.
25/04/12 / Statement
Dear Harlem Globetrotters,   We are citizens of israel who are opposed to Israel’s military occupation of Palestinian land and its imposition of an apartheid system on the Palestinian people [1]. We support the Palestinian civil society call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) [2]. We call on you to adhere to the call and cancel your games in Israel.  
18/04/12 / Statement
We are citizens of Israel who support the Palestinian civil society call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel's policies of colonialism, occupation and apartheid towards the Palestinian people. We have recently learned of your planned concert at the White City Festival in Tel Aviv, and therefore write in order to urge you not to come. Please hear us out. Israel's attempts to mask systematic human-rights abuses and decades-long oppression against the Palestinians, relies on its ability to maintain a
