We, Palestinians, Jews, citizens of Israel, join the Palestinian call for a BDS campaign against Israel, inspired by the struggle of South Africans against apartheid. We also call on others to do the same.
We are devoted to the promotion of just peace and true democracy in this region. We are particularly opposed to Western governments' decision to boycott the Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, most especially in besieged Gaza. This is particularly outrageous given the same Western governments' prolonged support of Israel's apartheid and other daily violations of international law.

27/01/12 / Statement
 12 January, 2012 Dear Shakespeare’s Globe,   Thanks for sharing your thoughts and inner conflicts with us.[1] We are grateful that you have deliberated it sincerely and have raised a few questions. Let’s focus on those that you find tough:  
18/01/12 / Statement
Dear James Blake,   We are a group of Israeli citizens who support the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. We oppose our government's policies of ethnic cleansing, occupation and apartheid, we strongly believe that international pressure is essential in bringing these crimes to an end and creating an equal and just society in this region. We are, therefore, asking you to cancel your planned show in Tel-Aviv on January the 27th.  
29/12/11 / Statement
  To The directors World Shakespeare Festival 2012 c/o Shakespeare's Globe Theatre 21 New Globe Walk Bankside London SE1 9DT UK[email protected]       Dear Sir/Madam  
20/12/11 / Statement
PDF version available here. Dear Younger Brother,   We are a group of Israeli citizens who support the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. We oppose the Israeli criminal policies of colonialism, occupation and apartheid, and strongly believe that international pressure is essential in bringing these crimes to an end and creating an equal and just society in this region.  
01/12/11 / Statement
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION TRIES TO LEGITIMIZE CONFERENCE HELD IN ISRAEL On its second day, WHO conference was relocated to Tel-Aviv in an attempt to legitimize it   Press Release   Tel-Aviv, December 1st, 2011    
28/11/11 / Statement
Press Release: For Immediate Release Activists Take Direct Action Against World Health Organization Conference in Jerusalem 28th November 2011 Boycott! Supporting the Palestinian BDS call from within (Boycott from Within)http://boycottisrael.info This morning a group of Palestinians and Israeli activists held a protest action in front of the Inbal hotel where the WHO (World Health Organization) held their first 'Health 2020 – The New European Policy for Health' conference [1 ].
19/11/11 / Statement
16/11/11Press releaseBoycott! Supporting the Palestinian BDS call from within(Boycott from Within)http://boycottisrael.info/  Tonight (16/11) in Tel Aviv, Israeli and international BDS supporters spent an hour standing outside the press conference held by the "Creative Coalition" Hollywood actors. The event, which was co-ordinated by AIPAC, took place at the Dan Intercontinental hotel. The group held banners, which read "No Culture in Whitewashing Apartheid" and "Shame On You, Hollywood", in order to remind the actors that their visit and press-conference are part of the Hasbara (Israel advocacy) mission. They also reminded them of the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israeli policies of colonialization, occupation and apartheid, which they were breeching.  
18/10/11 / Statement
An appeal from Israeli citizens to Greek/Turkish musicians scheduled to perform at the Jerusalem OudFestival, November 2011 Dear Greek/Turkish musicians, We are a group of Israelicitizens who support the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and sanctions(BDS) on Israel until it complies with international law and human-rightsvalues. [1] We are sure that you are talented musicians, and we would love theopportunity to attend your show, but at this time we would like to ask you toreconsider your planned performances in Israel!
14/10/11 / Statement
Dear Metal Bands, We are a group of Israeli citizens who support the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS). We oppose our government's policies of racism, apartheid and occupation, and we strongly believe that without international pressure, it will be almost impossible to reverse these policies. Israel's attempts to mask systematic human-rights abuses and decades-long oppression against the Palestinians, largely rely on its ability to maintain a progressive and democratic image in the eyes of the international community. It often promotes itself as "the only Democracy in the Middle East". However, Israel's apartheid policies are inherent even in something as seemingly light-hearted and joyous as a music show: Palestinian fans of your music living in the West Bank, in a land governed by Israel, are under martial-law and will not be permitted to come to Tel Aviv and enjoy your performance.
